Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis of Mark Drolsbough´s Deaf Again - 781 Words

In the autobiography Deaf Again, Mark Drolsbaugh writes about his life being born hearing, growing up hard of hearing, to eventually becoming deaf. By writing this book, he helps many people view from his perspective on what it is like for someone to struggle trying to fit in the hearing society. Through his early years, his eyes were closed to the deaf world, being only taught how to live in a hearing world. Not only does the book cover his personal involvement, but it covers some important moments in deaf history. It really is eye-opening because instead of just learning about deaf culture and deaf history, someone who lived through it is actually explaining their experiences. The story takes place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where†¦show more content†¦38). It was here that his struggles became noticeable. Until ninth grade, he had just been just passing by with the help of some friends who would further explain the lesson. Once he was finally a freshman, he was given his first interpreter. A whole new world of learning was opened to him, keeping him up to speed in classes while also keeping him fully involved. The interpreters given assisted him through high school, and also helped him accomplish being the first deaf student to graduate from GFS. A major turning point in the authors’ life was when he attended Gallaudet University. At Gallaudet, he was surrounded by deaf peers and signing professors. To him, this was unbelievable. He was no longer behind from interpreters relaying information after it had already been said. Mark expresses this emotional state by saying he is no longer â€Å"living in a fishbowl anymore† (pg. 111). At one point earlier in the book, Mark compares himself to someone born underwater having to live in a glass bubble; someone who is unfortunately an outcast from the rest. But with the help of special scuba diving gear, you had the ability to interact and swim with the other fish. Although the scuba gear was accommodating in many ways, it was â€Å"heavy and uncomfortable, and as much as it helped you interact with the fish, you never were able to swim like them† (Pg. 44). In order to find out who he

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