Sunday, May 24, 2020

Special Individuals Free Essay Example, 2500 words

Running head: Special Children Special Children Part I What are two broad categories of emotional or behavioral disorders? a. Attention problems/immaturity (Sage Pub, n.d) Often associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Patient manifests with short attention span Diminished concentration Distractibility Impulsivity Passivity Undependability Childishness b. Socialized aggression (Sage Pub, n.d) Similar to conduct disorders, except that these behaviors are manifested in the company of others Truancy from school Gang membership Stealing Lying 2. What is a manifestation determination? How does it relate to students with exceptional needs? Discuss thoroughly. Manifestation determination is the act of â€Å"determining whether the behavior that results in a suspension or change of placement is a manifestation of a child’s disability† (Giordano, 2008). It often takes place when a school is implementing a change of placement or suspension due to violations of school rules; when a student has been removed from the school system for more than 10 days within a school term; or when a student is being punished for activities or behavior which indicates a pattern (Giordano, 2008). In instances when the behavior is indicates a student’s disability, a Functional behavior assessment must be carried out and a plan of behavior conceptualized. We will write a custom essay sample on Special Individuals or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Students with exceptional needs – those with disabilities (with Individualized Education Programs or IEPs) – can be suspended up to ten days during a school year or even expelled for their behavior which is not caused by their disability. There is a need to carry out additional procedural safeguards in instances when suspension exceeds ten days (FSUSD, n.d). 3. List and describe three strategies or interventions to use when teaching and working with students with emotional or behavioral disorders. Why do these particular strategies work well with these students? a. Use taped word read-alongs (Trim, 2009). Studies have provided strong support for this strategy with students under this intervention improving their reading rate at a faster pace. b. Test retakes (Trim, 2009). Studies also point out that students who could do retakes of tests, scored higher than those who could not (Trim, 2009). c. Responses, praise, and academic talk (Trim, 2009). Students given more praise performed better than those who were not praised as much. d. Cover, copy, and compare (Trim, 2009). This is a process of considering instructions, extracting it, and interacting with a greater amount of accuracy (Trim, 2009).

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